

⚠️I post mature content sometimes!⚠️
I'm only mutuals/close with people 18 and above.
Multifandom and extremely slow artist

フォロー数:145 フォロワー数:134

turns out its aj's stupid grapes hair is the one causing paint3d to crash

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i dont know what possesed me last night but i apparently started 4 more song projects and made this apparently

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me about to ruin his instrumental with his chromatic scale

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i have this swap dave design named Damvey and a transfem dave named Devin. They both got separated and transported to a different universe on their wedding days.

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these 3 idiots are training under expunged but only zayquiel is actively trying to get the spot/job. Vox simply wants to cause more trouble while AJ is being forced to come.

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i posted my first 'mod' thingy last year on september. it was for me and some friends. the third image is the same concept but newer, and tbh im happy i at least improved even if its a small ammount.

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finding out ur brother dates a phone the first time like

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that trailer did not lie they did put a fucking bambi garcello

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