

man I should really draw more

フォロー数:188 フォロワー数:8

oh shit we're moots uhhhh here

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also sorry I couldn't answer for a few hours as well (older sister borrowed laptop for work)

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some spraypaint fanart looks kinda shitty but eh (ver with and without bg)

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Hi! my name is Ace/Olive here is some stuff I made :D

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um hi my name is Ace and I started arting relatively recently :D
for a goal idk I guess I'd be happy with just 20 folowers

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was a bit bored today so decided to join : D its a bit messy but eh

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Um Hi! my name is Ace and I do atm I mostly do object show fanart but I plan to maybe expand to other fandoms in the future

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um Hi! I'm ace and I just started drawing stuff recently, I mostly just do watercolor stuff and object show fanart

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some fanart of the girl ever

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