

Kelly Eddington's ongoing U2 art project, along with writing by Kelly and P.J. DeGenaro and advice from Fake Bono and Fake Edge. Tweets by Kelly.

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Happy 40th anniversary to Bono and Ali! ❤️

This is from last year’s demented “Autobonobiography,” illustrated by Kelly with text by . Click the link to read all four of his “books.”

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Happy birthday,

Watercolor based on a reference photo by 📸.

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New: connects the of 21 years ago with the Bono of 48 hours ago, and once again I’m happy to even know her.—Kelly

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Obligatory repost from a 2006 calendar I made. Once again, I am happy to bring you the U2 cherubs💕.—Kelly

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Celebrating 19 years of making U2 cartoons! It’s U2 in the style of Peanuts (L, B, E, A). will forever be my Charlie Brown.

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My favorite song (possibly my favorite song, period!) is 30 years old.--Kelly, who wrote this in 2007 for atu2.

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The tyranny of summer is finally over. Humidity has been banished. To all of my PSL-drinking, apple crisp-baking, hayrack-riding fans in the Northern Hemisphere, happy first day of fall from me, Adam Clayton, God of Autumn.

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What’s going on here? Find out in the brand new Achtoon Baby, with special guest writer !

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My favorite Adam Clayton quote: 
"If I could be an animal I'd be a giraffe." Why? "Because then you'd meet other giraffes."
And so I've turned him into a giraffe on occasion. 🦒#u2

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It’s week! This was a sort of watercolor collage I painted in 2004.
From this:

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