

Aco Creative Ltd. creates auteur-animated films, illustrations, animation, and concept art for our clients.
[email protected]

フォロー数:117 フォロワー数:34

'Hello to Me in 100 Years' is officially selected for Athens International Film and Video Festival, Cleveland International Film Festival, and Athens Animfest!✨

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"My Grandmother Is an Egg is a beautiful film. We learned new things from a distant culture while being transported to different experiences through amazing animation. The interview with family gave a personal touch to a universal matter: women and freedom.” —True/False Film Fest

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I worked with Farstar Studio to create a promotional key vision for the game "Emblem of Valor." It was exhibited at the G-EIGHT game exhibition last weekend. It's so exciting to see the work exhibited on the billboard. Hope you guys like it!

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The film 'Hello to Me in 100 Years' is officially selected for DYTIATKO International Children’s Media Festival. So glad to share this fantasy story with all the audiences!

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My film 'Hello to Me in 100 Years' will hold its at London Film Festival, Animated Shorts For Younger Audiences program on 15 Oct 12:15. Produced by

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My film 'My Grandmother Is an Egg' anegg will be screened at the program of Animated Documentary at MOD Mirror Doc channel at 11:30pm (CST) on 16th September.

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The film Bird is an Official Selection and Quarterfinalist in Round III of the 2021 Short Film Slam. Vote for "Bird" if you like it!

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The film 'My Grandmother Is an Egg' and 'Bird' will be screened on 11th December at VOICE深夜唱片行 in Taiwan. There'll be a QA session after the screening.
More info:

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Thanks to the Present Future Film Festival MacauXTaiwanXJapan officially selected the film 'My Grandmother Is an Egg.' The film was screening from 06th to 28th November.

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