Adam Toozeさんのプロフィール画像

Adam Toozeさんのイラストまとめ

History - Economics - Theory
Columbia University. Born UK, raised FRG.
Mensch mit Migrationshintergrund.
Chartbook Newsletter:

フォロー数:8412 フォロワー数:218503

Huger in America:
The unemployment numbers are mind-boggling and worse is to come.
Already Bread Lines Are Forming in Mar-a-Lago’s Shadow. And not just in Florida.
Must read by

Making the macroeconomic crisis real.

42 72

"A brutal new hunger crisis is emerging among laid-off workers in US that has begun to overwhelm the infrastructure that normally takes care of the needy."

511 584

A prolonged corona lockdown is one thing in comfort of a well-resourced urban home, quite another in a sprawling, hard-scrabble slum! That is reality facing hundreds of millions worldwide.

33 70

Excess deaths - this is the ultimate metric of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. It is metric of actual trauma being suffered by communities and health services. Official COVID stats grossly understate impact in hardest hit places. Essential

25 48

Surprisingly, Huawei’s new smart phone still contains US parts made by Qualcomm, Skyworks and Qorvo. Qianer Liu

5 11

Retailers with a strong online presence have effectively been handed the game by the lockdown -> they are planning to hire 700K+ workers in the US alone.

15 29

Btw 1 March and 25th March these US-European corporations drew down $124bn in credit from their banking connections. Total likely closer to $200bn or more and it is just the beginning of the Big Crunch. Must read report from

17 36

The supply-chain/lifeline that puts pasta on Europe’s supermarket shelves.

20 44

"US, health experts are warning about the possible emergence of “multiple Wuhans” if new lockdown measures in states including California and New York are not strictly enforced or abandoned."

14 27

Dominos that might fall? One in China? Back in January the excellent of
Compiled this dossier on China’s Evergrande one of the most heavily debt- and interest-burdened corporations in the world.

5 10