

Misfit l Collector l Button smashing through life I Rising Tides Lift All Boats l #hodler #of #nfts #crypto #art #boxing #life

フォロー数:1342 フォロワー数:628

All Upgraded but buying more!! 🙏🙏🙏

1 6

3 Super PxlFangs acquired. Earning 1500 $AWOO a day. I spend under .14 ETH to upgrade including gas. They look sick!!

10 65

Earn 500 $AWOO per day with your Super PxlFangster now. An OG Fang gets you 1000 $AWOO per day. Floor on PxlFangs are so, so cheap right now! But not for long. So much more utility to come..

15 60

This guy out here on the floor looking like a snack!!!! I couldn’t help myself. The community is dope and art is fire. I’ll HODL them for you.

8 45

Had to save this general off the floor, he doesn't belong there

4 41

I think we know something…🤫🤫🤫

3 7