

Creature Designer,Animator & Pixel Art


Early Access:

フォロー数:394 フォロワー数:2517

Too much effort into something I don't really plan to take further, lets call this doodle done. ╰(・∇・╰)

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In other news!
Newnikko has created an MV style charset for the minotaur! Much appreciated! https://t.co/0Q6tqfcBqZ

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Some stuff bundled in the latest release! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

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Thanks everyone who came around! Look forward to Tuesday!

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Let's keep the Librarium growing! RPGMaker Ready monster resources! (╯✧▽✧)╯!

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rip (。•́︿•̀。)

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Even in defeat he stands proud...(/□\*)・゜!

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Do you guys know why the Minotaur doesn't have a single scar in his back? Because he never turned back in a fight!

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Haha yeah something like that. I mean even his guard pose is like. COME AT ME M9. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

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