kate ❤︎ blade of mayhemさんのプロフィール画像

kate ❤︎ blade of mayhemさんのイラストまとめ

Nurse Care Coordinator (RN, BSN, CPN, PHN) | Warcraft (Warlock, Hunter, VDH, SPriest) | WoW Community Council Emeritus | Couture | Cats | LQTS ♡

フォロー数:739 フォロワー数:4982

my favorite thing about having a troll is using the "do your chickens have large talons" shoe transmog on her

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OK here's what all my Dracthyr look like (I havea lot because I have characters on different servers):

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hey my main warlock has been rocking those shoulders and belt again recently too!

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I have a character on WoW named "Kitten" and this is how I transmog her. Furry, or just in character?

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My warlock went from "shadowmoon elegance" to "e-hunny hoe" when this mog went on the shop. I even changed my hair color after 2 years since the lavendar clashed.

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the mount that comes with any of the pre-orders for diablo iv. i love it lol

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