

Official | 330k+ YouTube | Monster Hunter | Final Fantasy XIV | Japan | 日本語OK | Parent | My tweets don't reflect that of the company I work for

フォロー数:1074 フォロワー数:81015

Yuna goofing around

9 157

Imagine this times god knows how many halls@

0 22

Omfg this is about 1/1500 of the line

0 28

Here I was expecting a 200 plus drop, but the Touhou video barely touched my channel wow

0 65

She even added Yugi afterwards lol. I was not about to ask her to add Kasen as well :p

2 56

Asked Yuna to draw me Suika the oni drinking saké and she even animated it for me lol

10 193

Games need a good early-game ‘sensei’ boss to teach you how to play, but the second ‘wall’ pushes you from proficient to good. Here’s to the great second walls in gaming.

161 1287

Oh she colored it!

4 205

Look at my team they are great

2 78