

Official | 330k+ YouTube | Monster Hunter | Final Fantasy XIV | Japan | 日本語OK | Parent | My tweets don't reflect that of the company I work for

フォロー数:1080 フォロワー数:82821

Sunbreak looks great. Wanted them to show more but i like what i see. Village quests WITH npcs?! HELL YES. Me, Minoto, Fiorayne, and Luchika are going to have so much fun together ^^ New subspecies look fun and seeing Seregios return is nice (but leave Rathian alone sheesh!)

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Yuna drew this and sent it to me, how awesome! She really captured our outfits really well :) Yesterday she did Coils, now we are doing Crystal Tower today. ^^ I never though she’d be interested in FFXIV, but here we are. Thanks to me finally using my game PC, she can use the PS5

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Today my daughter turned 13! I got her two designer Touhou glasses for her birthday and she also wanted dark souls 3 so I installed that for her too. I’d share a pic of her but no 13 yr old girl wants their photo shared and I have no intention to be killed :p

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Not sure if you all caught it but we could see Paz and Selva in town ^^

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1st gen: forest and hills
2nd gen: snowy mountains
3rd gen: Asian theme

Am I talking about MH or FFXIV expansions?

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I was unaware of the illustrator “Hidari” but everyone seemed to be mentioning the art in my Toukiden posts and finally someone used the artist name. I can confirm that yes the 2D art is Hidari (Atelier, Fire Emblem, FGO, etc.)

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Pinned Tweet: Updated Dec 21, 2021
- Currently playing: Toukiden Kiwami (PS4/PS5/Vita/PC). PC ver. locked at 30fps.
- This is the "iceborne" like release for the 1st game. Toukiden 2 is the latest but more open world structure, i'll try it later.
- God Eater after Toukiden series

8 210

I only just met Horo but I love how she is the complete opposite of Ōka. Color blue/red, weapons rifle/sword, personality oblivious/informed, language aloof/calculated, etc. The dialog with Horo if funny since she has lost all memory and common sense so she says funny stuff

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