

Draws Touhou. Find me talking nonsense at:

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Touhou 112^5: Of Identity and Fantasy

Touhou unofficial fanbook
Akan terbit di both S-11a Circle Duodesimal. Comifuro 14 @ Balai Kartini - Rafflessia Grand Ballroom, 22-23 Februari 2020

(Post ulang karena salah judul 💦)

31 59

1draw saved me many times. Thank you 2019!

32 84

Taisei Project v1.3.1 has been released!
For those who don't know yet, Taisei is a free and open source Touhou fangame. Available on most common platforms.

I took a part at the latest update. Please play it thank you 👊😎

44 85

disgruntled yamabiko

124 444