

NZ artist + YouTube animator / sleep-deprived melvin
(banner - @Josh_S2604)

フォロー数:2363 フォロワー数:80988

that's pepper but her friends like to call her cheddar-head

5 130

ginger is always equipped with da big bucks

275 3404

the world and characters that alex ahad & lab zero created absolutely influenced me, a beautiful mishmash of animation and art. found skullgirls in 2014 through a gif of peacock ⬇️ and couldnt believe she was from a fighting game. may those who made LZ a gem find a greater future

11 244

tanuki michiru's having a hard time foolin around

936 7650

pinko was a little freak born during the 1940s. as a result of her failed attempt at cartoon stardom, she was in desperate need of work. posing as a succubus, she somehow slipped into a hiring service. now she's co-workers with other cute hellspawn who are way way taller than her

31 622

Tomoko & Konota = two sides of the same coin?

751 4318