wandering sarkazさんのプロフィール画像

wandering sarkazさんのイラストまとめ

Lazy Artist. I draw random stuff, sometimes comic.

フォロー数:80 フォロワー数:11349



you know I just realized they swap Rosa's eye color in her current design
old = BLUE-RED
current = RED-BLUE

3 54

I draw BP and Andreana base on from LLC artwork here

4 44

AA01/AA02/AA03/II04 casual wear

80 327

clingy orca girlfriend

317 1280

Great Seducer
(p.s. I give up on drawing background)

138 496

as you guys want
the [gay ocean hunters]... but I'm bullying Skadi

133 559

monk doggo with (nitrogen) launcher

44 225

because I don't have bunny Specter
I'll settle with this

105 376

(casual Skadi exist)
me :

292 1160