

no shame, I’m on my grave

フォロー数:345 フォロワー数:565

[ENG] Hyung cooks while Jungkookie eats

33 117

[ENG] Musical Chairs 🎮

30 148

[ENG] 🐰Our Cooky's cute too you know!

26 89

5. An idea struck
6. Hyungie should wear it
7. Min Meowngi, you've been teasing little chick so much all this while w/o knowing how scary he actually is •̀ ਊ•́

32 136

1. Picked up some feathers!
2. Met HamJji hyung!
3. Nope, didn't meet him.
4. That was dangerous

46 171

yukito senpai jumped out 😳

455 389

he's a chara from card captor sakura series 😋 another anime/manga namjinist could look into when the ain't any namjin crumbs

1 3