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The Young Mother, Bessie Potter Vonnoh, 1896 https://t.co/Xxa7yaUFkV #bessiepottervonnoh #museumarchive
Pitcher, Baldwin Gardiner, 1827 https://t.co/0LYGlZIhhK #americanart #museumarchive
Tea and Coffee Service, Gorham Manufacturing Company, 1876 https://t.co/h3C4ZOehnU #museumarchive #gorhammanufacturingcompany
Self-Portrait (No. 13), Ivan Albright, 1982 https://t.co/8nbAr5JZCc #ivanalbright #aic
Here's an image with a similar color scheme from @met_americanart: Trencher Salt by John Coney https://t.co/DCkehE22Sz #metmuseum #americanart
"Fern and Daisy Perfume Bottle No. 2661", Tiffany and Company, 1870 https://t.co/nIBrYiPsQo #aic #artinstituteofchicago
Peach Blossoms, Winslow Homer, 1878 https://t.co/93Rcxly0k2 #americanart #winslowhomer
Two Medals Depicting Columbus, Artist unknown, 1892 https://t.co/77ENkZCSAZ #museumarchive #aic
Circe, Louis A. Allen, 1916 https://t.co/0CRcW14juG #aic #louisaallen
Apache Agua Caliente Arizona, Edward Warren Sawyer, 1908 https://t.co/GcCCewyn7m #aic #artinstituteofchicago