

Author of "White Noise" on #Tapas and #WebtoonCanvas | 20+ | nb | OC content mostly | [email protected]

フォロー数:921 フォロワー数:756

Hello, I'm Mya.
I am the author of "White Noise"
I am also the fandom 😭😭😭😭


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Arya looks more handsome when he is...... sick....

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Kamu bikin dada, aq bikin punggung

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Me: "i'm tired of making serious comic, i just want to draw my characters doing dumb shit"

Also me 5 minutes ago: //typed 15000 words draft of psychological-angsty character arc for a side character that hasn't even show up in the comic

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Hello ! I'm Mya, an artist from Indonesia.
I create webcomic and illustration. Just search "aimya_qq" in all platforms

Mainly working on webcomics series. "White Noise" and "Still Alive" on

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I'm still singing "I'll make a man out of you" until this hour. I guess I have started to memorize the song.
I just needed a song to pump up my energy so I won't sleep while writing. But I end up having full energy and not writing anyway

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Last night I should be writing my thesis conclusion, but I just can't help it. If I didn't draw this, I might not stop singing ✊😔

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This is the original size. Because twitter crop is shitty, lol

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This is an old drawing. I wanted to make a character sheet, but he looks too stiff here, so i end up drawing another one. Better post here than not being posted anywhere at all

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