

レビ記 16:21-22
I beat pulmonary embolism!
Underrated and overlooked artist.
Opinions are my own.
Man of God ✝️
NS/SFW art

フォロー数:2995 フォロワー数:1143

Was yesterday bikini day?

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When I redid Ella's school uniform so many years back. I made sure to somewhat make it American by makes ng the color of the uniform red, white, and blue.

何年も前にエラの学校の制服を作り直したときに 制服の色を赤、白、青にして、なんとなくアメリカっぽくしてみました。

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"Where's her spine?!"
It's right there!
Why is this an argument?

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I like how the camera quickly panned the the mannequin's butt.

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I bet alot of impoverished black people could've benefited from that $100K. https://t.co/FqJT2ZVOO7

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