Ophelia Francoさんのプロフィール画像

Ophelia Francoさんのイラストまとめ

Procrastinatorer, Lonely Sharpedo, Memer, Haver of Great Thoughts, Consumer of Worlds, Mood Checkist, I am but plankton.

フォロー数:85 フォロワー数:50

And, Any and all projectiles will be reflected by Takao's breasts! (o_o)

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Chizuru hugging Kouta. :3
And that just the first episode. ಠωಠ

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Finally, I have an excuse for this mem.

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*gives you loving headpats* UwU
Remember, you must never stop questioning everything.

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That's pretty cool. I look forward to where you will go from here. But, um... why?

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You reminded me to retrieve this .gif

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