

📫delivering art, music, stories, streams, and more!🔸@tierfell
✉️[email protected]

フォロー数:220 フォロワー数:28129

thank you to those who donated and lindi for setting everything up! here are the requests i did :D https://t.co/Vu4hCfDHVd

20 161

been kinda reluctant to do proper fanart because i still dont know how i wanna draw these characters. maybe one day jkansjknscj

13 133

finally gotten around to finishing the model art for these two!! excited to rig em ^_^

9 153

did an aggie doodle of laios ft. sev's kabru

34 320

stuff i finished on stream o7

2 62

i love seeing laios hanging out with dogs so i drew him with my favorite breed- borzois

180 864

SLAM 👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊

155 1885

wildcard preview of my queen

8 65

