

Part-time artist, Full-time gacha addict.

フォロー数:657 フォロワー数:154

Day 19- Wish to have MBT Aurorian- Irridon
The great judge.
"Every step you take now will contribute to your salvation. So keep going. Don't worry about what's up ahead because the sun will rise behind you."

7 25



Day 16 - 4 Star Aurorian- Chloe
Listening to Mr.Krabs' world smallest violin on loop while drawing her is surreal af.

"When Tomorrow comes, the dark clouds will clear... May your suffering be alleviated." 🎶🎻

7 21

Day 15- 3-Star Aurorian- Clover

"Sure, everyone's noisy here, but im okay with it really, because they're all good people" 🍀🍃

2 9

AStober 2022 Day 13- Independent Aurorian- Yao

Super stacc gung-ho warrior

"I became a martial artist so i could step forth to uphold justice when needed. Whats left for me if i can't do that?"👊💪

2 8

AStober Day 12- True Order Aurorian- Beryl

Although her lore is pretty tragic, its kinda nice seeing her vibing during events and her side story.

"Faith? No matter what you believe in, salvation is but a dream..."💎🩸

5 18

AStober Day 11- Northland Aurorian- Lola

"Most of the Northland is very cold, so how can you ward of the chill without sweets?"🍯🍰

6 18

AStober day 10- Rediesel Wrench Aurorian- Rouge

When you put her and Ruby on different teams.

"Rediesel Wrench took me in and accepted me uncoditionally, For me, that's home." 🔧🔥

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AStober Day 7 - Lumopolis Aurorian- Erica

The peculiar occult-obsessed student

"Do you want to know about the truth of the world?"

3 12