- ̗̀ake ̖́- Ahrteさんのプロフィール画像

- ̗̀ake ̖́- Ahrteさんのイラストまとめ

多国言語成人済み3歳児(不謹慎交流よろしく): @ake333333m_ew

Ahrte born from dead Ake.

フォロー数:92 フォロワー数:157

let us keep the feelings we had when we were but a child.

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I feel so pleasure met Scream Street the series really made me alive, I’m so sorry to hear this horrible news. I just want to let you know, your amazing books teach me so much! Your books pushed me to learn English. Thank you. Wish all the best to you, your family and friends.

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