

tweets on: anthropology, demography (it's not destiny btw), and current events // Canadian

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artwork like this

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the artwork of which (i think) parodies a style of art that you see in a lot of older 'positive' posters and comics targeting indian youth. like the kind of stuff you'd find hanging in a school hallway.

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"Back to School"

Published in 2016 in Yated Ne'emann, an Ultra-Orthodox newspaper, the comic contrasts students in the secular education system (L) to the Ultra-Orthodox education system (R).

Notice the Israeli flag is visible in the secular classroom but not the religious one.

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The artwork of Yuko Kitajima.

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how did all this male gaze get into pulp romance novels who cater to an almost entirely hetero female audience?

Could it be that women (just like men) can be attracted to different kinds of men, for different reasons, and their isn't one universal gold standard? https://t.co/HP90wLi1Fo

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