

im eliza (@phantomhag) and this is my art account • they/he/she • white • 27 • feel free to use as icon w/credit

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i'm very tired, but here's an alice

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i don't care much for my face, but it sure is handy to have around sometimes

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that time where i attempt to imitate kaneko's style is here again, and today elizabeth is my guinea pig

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season 2 when. ...

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idk, here's a person

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i was drawing eriko and her outfit somehow became this. ..i don't know how fashion works and at this point im afraid to ask

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idk i just wanted to draw a havah (and not draw hands lmao). though i feel my dress design ended up overcomplicated... .oh well, too late now

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idk what to write here, im just a lesbian

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idk, i was thinking about battle royale while doodling. this isn't anyone specifically

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