

Let me rest nerds. (she/her, they/them)
Pfp by @persikankukkia

フォロー数:305 フォロワー数:116

Some video game money stickers coming up for next weeks artist alley.

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I mean it's OLD as fuck. But what the hell happened here.

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I feel this in very spiritual level at the moment.

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Note to self, always tag big accounts on the post you want to have the likes. Glad the line art is finished at least lol.

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Olen Iida, -90 syntynyt peleistä ja piirtämisestä kiinnostunut graafinen suunnittelija. Pieniä tilaustöitä teen silloin tällöin päätyön ohella, yhteydenotot yksityisviestillä! Portfolio osoitteessa

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New profile pic by Thanks a bunch! 🏳️‍🌈✨️

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My earlier art folders had things to _choose from_...! Maybe some day I draw more like this again.👀

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