

31. He/him. Nerdy guy from the south.
I love Transformers, Batman, LOTR, SW, Spider-Man, ST, Ninja Turtles, Gargoyles & rock music.
Poison Ivy simp 4 life.

フォロー数:894 フォロワー数:685

I find there alot of intriguing similarities and contrasts between Megatron & Getaway.

4 33

I'm sorry, but after watching and reading the best this franchise has to offer, can you honestly blame me for not wanting to wade in the furthest end of the kiddie pool any longer?

1 23

Something I considered regarding that upcoming animated pre-war movie:
Cybertron needs to be alot more visually diverse than simply an endless cityscape per the norm.
Show us the Sea Of Rust, the Sonic Canyons, the planet's wilderness.

3 15

Alright kiddies, gather 'round.
I issue yet another challenge:
Pitch a mature TF cartoon.
Here's the criteria:
>Decepticon protagonists.
>Autobot big bad.
>Not SG.
>Grey morality.
>Earth and humanity are off limits.
>Nothing divine.

8 106

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we are here today to prove that one, Percival T. Endacio a.k.a. did willfully and savagely murder an innocent, mad scientist/gang boss sweetheart named Cryotek.

7 34

I issue a challenge to those reading.
Pitch your own TF series.
Here's the criteria:
>Shades of grey storytelling, neither side is generalized as the good guys or bad guys.
>All the Decepticons are 3 dimensional characters.
>Earth is off the table.

8 39

Well, speaking as someone who prefer TAS Ivy's design, my ideal version of this scenario is the original comic:

2 48

Being an Autobot and being a good person aren't always the same thing.
Please stop saying otherwise.
I can't stress this point hard enough.

16 90

I thought it'd be fun to try an experiment.
Pitch me an original Transformers series.
Here's the criteria:
>No mcguffins of any kind.
>No chosen one narratives.
>Mysterious, unexplained origins.
>Megatron is a three dimensional character.
Otherwise go nuts.

48 360

Ahh, Mitzy.
An old favorite.
They liked reusing her character model.

14 688