

Concept Artist and Illustrator

Contact: alexriesart(at)



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フォロー数:1161 フォロワー数:59646

My first format test for the Birrin book: this direction would intermix narrative with key paintings and vignettes.

(Costumes/designs arent consistent as they are being worked out on the fly)

36 232

The Shrike facing off against Fedmahn Kassad on Hyperion, along with details.

370 1887

1. The Star of Arabia - Rich jackoffs hang out there. (If I did a second design pass I would change a lot, several major flaws)

2. Transfer shuttle closeup

3. Me being a smart-ass: the atoll below has been flooded by sea level rise.

76 437

Details of the 'Skydrops', tiny flying quadrilaterians from the Chriirah remnant forests.

63 321

Subnautica: Below Zero concepts for a small organism powered by symbiotic algae.

58 334

Need a creature artist? Love to have a crack!

5 30

Klingon concept repost. Make them Big Bois pls.

36 210

In which I conduct an artistic exercise and discover why cartoon arthropods have human faces.

312 1174

Concept Artist Friends: What resources do you use to improve? I need to increase my skills in environment design and use of 3D: Any experiences with online schools?

Bonus Nootfish for your troubles.

41 264