

Graphic novelist and illustrator, part time internet idiot
Discord ID alexsteacy for commission inquiries

フォロー数:437 フォロワー数:15270

In other news, I followed 's advice (warning?) to revisit a particular boss arena in Elden Ring...

1 97

holy jumping jegus tell me you are joking

0 19

LRT: Please read, sub, comment on SpaceShipping and consider following my alt account (18+)

4 16

I really love all of Bloodborne's aesthetics and design but daddy gas can's pistol is rustling my jimmies.

2 36

And while Gumroad's CEO was making a complete bellend of himself on twitter, I've added that discount to everything in my catalog including the aforementioned books.
Use code "crung2022" for 10% off anything!

6 30

>The last round in your magazine does much more damage but not the way you want

0 13