

London-Based Illustrator/Graphic Designer/Story Writer🎨
Waiting for Marvel Vs Capcom 4 and/or Jump Fighterz 💀
Accepting commissions now! Feel free to DM me!👌

フォロー数:441 フォロワー数:76

what do you think of my poster if the roster so far? I guess I have to add Xiaoyu now too 😅

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Any chance we can get an update of Jujutsu Kaisen part 2 and potentially 0 too?? 👀

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Got some more here since the first reply only let me upload one

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Leeeeetttttssss goooooooooooo!!!!! 😭😭🎉🎉

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Fam it's only been 2 days and I already caught up with the manga 🤣🤣🤣

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It inspired me to get into art. Although I'm not where I want to be yet, I hope to get my own manga/comic out there which I hope people will love

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*Dragonite reads it's Pokédex entry

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My first emote idea: Behold! Good boy Aang!!

Look at how good that boy is! How can you not LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE how good this boy is? Only if we join forces can we unlock the power of GOODEST BOY AANG, and defeat the Fire Nation 😂

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What's wrong with it? It's clearly a Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong cannon

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