

People call me Youmu. I am sometimes draw man. raiding in FFXIV.||日本語OK||💜@invisiblebloom💜|| Monkey
I RT a lot || Minors DNI || 20+

フォロー数:4908 フォロワー数:830

sneaku peaku of new boi-o drawin

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My part of our OC collab thing train kun be runnin supa fast

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forgot to do this yesterday but DREW THE BOI AND ITS SO GOOOOOD

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Redoing that picrew post, pogpogpogpog

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squints, favorite characters that are pink but red also is technically pink so

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Been playing Valorant and I absolutely love Viper. Shes got that toxic shit going on and it fits me perfectly smile emoji. I think this is the first time I've tried to color something on my phone.

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Thank you for doing this heckin good commishie of two important peepls in my life,even tho one of them is a tiny gremmylin , and my dumb catboi. Came out great and unfortunately i think twitter is gonna butcher the quality. (・ω・) Love ya goobers

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