

Furry creature. 33 NB Writer. They/them or He/him. 🏳️‍🌈 Avatar by @Buizilla. Banner by @KitsuneKit.

フォロー数:549 フォロワー数:2639

told me that becoming a badger was TOO POWERFUL for me, and I couldn't do it.

Art by , thank you again friend. ❤

4 19

An old Twitter growth drive from Nemo; Tried out being an Australian Shepherd because they're cute dogs.

It went... pretty darn well. :x

Art by !

7 29

Looks like the plushified roo was looking for a little extra stuffing. Really should be careful around machinery you don't know how to operate. >.> Wonder if it'll stop on its own...

Art and description by !

10 52

Roos on the brain? Who knows what caused that.

1 14

I was told someone called for a big

0 6

Ack! Help! Someone get that spell book and turn this off, and find me some clothes that will fit better.

Happy ! Art by ! Find his art here:

Posted using PostyBirb

2 11

Man these clothes just are NOT fitting right anymore. And my hat.......
Uh oh.

Happy ! Art by ! Find his art here:

Posted using PostyBirb

1 15

Hm. Who left this spell book around, where any unsuspecting kangaroo could just pick it up without thinking?

Happy ! Art by ! Find his art here:

Posted using PostyBirb

0 7

Happy Shrinko De Mayo! Two pictures by today: first of me at work as a microbiologist, the second of Kit with my collar's remote taking a little revenge. <.<;

Thanks again Kit

5 35

More <3
Apparently Alkali has quite a range of customization with that collar of his. Just a little tweak and....

Art by ! Go check out his growth drive and donate~

7 20