🌛Alli Shaw🌜さんのプロフィール画像

🌛Alli Shaw🌜さんのイラストまとめ

Webcomic artist for Tigress Queen, Far To The North, Persephone, and Eros & Psyche.

フォロー数:240 フォロワー数:3647

I keep seeing people say they want to buy Persephone when the book comes out BUT IT'S BEEN OUT FOR YEARS YOU CAN BUY IT RIGHT NOW https://t.co/UKaGUEuxxT

21 107



My $3 tier is 17 pages ahead of the Tigress Queen site for anyone who wants to sign up to my

~ ~ ~ P A T R E O N ~ ~ ~

It's gonna be a fun chapter

6 72

Tigress Queen updated! Last page of the chapter!!! https://t.co/9TYDNUlq95

16 83

I've gotten some comments about how the Emperor looks suspicious here but really he's just smug because he knows he makes good-looking kids.

6 87