

21 | IDN
Mostly kpop fanart
Active more on IG

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:213

Thanks for your kindness! Hello there, Im Amalia from Indonesia. Currently I'm working on some oc and fanarts. And Im planning to do sum commission work!

So I try to growing my acc nd yeah here's mine! Nice to meet you guys ( ◜‿◝ )♡

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Hasil ngegambarin anak temen ayah, asik juga ngecommis kaya gini lagi 😆💕

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Here's my latest artwork on my resting time

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Psst psst ada sesuatu ni buat kamu 💌✨

Qrt this with some of your art! mutualku & yang mau ikut ini! 🐯💕

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Warming up by drawing cutie ddeuncheollie~ 🐯

Anw, pen nanya buat yang suka make ibis kalian biasanya pake ukuran berapaa? Sedi banget gambarku pecah dan pas diganti dpinya mala error ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

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Sebenernya masi banyak gambarnya, tapi cuman jadi wip 👁️👄👁️

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Baru ngeh ada yang salah disini,, ada yang tau apa?

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Sedi banget telat ngirim gara2 gaada kuota 😭

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