

Home of crack AUs. Tenipuri, YoI, SV, FE, Natsume Yujincho and cats. Generally SFW. allthemegane @ mastodon. online | tumblr . com / argyros

フォロー数:247 フォロワー数:739

Second part of the swap! ..... how 2draw gingham pattern?

9 33

Don’t forget the rest of the herd!

61 183

someone mentioned bard!chris on discord drawing hand hungers...

43 73

possible interpretations: 1. yuuri kidnapped an elf prince back to hasetsu and stuck him up in a tree for safekeeping like a leopard stashes carcasses 2. commoner viktor falls asleep in lord yuuri's garden (suggestion from another server) 3. he just wants a nap

160 363

who needs pants anyway

9 20

Prompt: horror, garden. Done for the LLYBB bing event. Fic by , beta'ed by marblegiraffe

7 11

swiss pastoral scene feat. milkmaid chris and mystery man paramour

5 20