Elle Wilson 🐭さんのプロフィール画像

Elle Wilson 🐭さんのイラストまとめ

Whimsical, unique illustrations of Sighthounds.

フォロー数:2006 フォロワー数:1979

"What?" - I don't often paint dogs with their mouths open. mainly because tongues are really hard to paint.

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A Little Impatient. One of my first Lurcher portraits.

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A Little Crooked Cat with a Little Crooked Rat

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Once in a while I do get asked to paint a non hound breed. A beautiful Skye Terrier.

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The Explanation - What am I trying to explain??? I don't know anymore. I have reasons for my titles but as time goes on I forget what they are.

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A painting I did of a fox that used to come to my front door, the background is made up. I called this the friendly little fox. One of my highlights years ago was watching a Mom and her cubs play in a field, downside was I got a tick on my bikini line from hiding in the grass.

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Ohhhhh this one looks a bit pitiful actually. One of my early Greyhound portraits. Its great to look back from 2005- now to see how I've changed. Of course you get better ? over time, but there is something sweet about the naivety of early works.

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A Little Fussy - Am I talking about myself??? I wonder what I was thinking when I came up with the title? . I love the background colours in this. Purely experimental. I let the watercolours do what they wanted.

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Just flicking through all my files and saw this Yogi. That I would post it as it's such a happy dog painting.

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