

🪐☁️✨🐋 Illustrator | any prns 🇵🇭🏳️‍🌈 | please do not use or repost my art!! 🚫 proship dni, no nfts/ai

フォロー数:276 フォロワー数:22503

my favorite space girl! 🪐✨☄️👽 i can’t believe she’s not my best friend it’s so unfair

23 71

head in hands....... who let me come up with this

(this is my tag now! i own it <3)

102 373

day 4: fav ship/friendship....or both 😳🙈

ahhh this is kinda rushed but i wanted to contribute to janurwby bc i saw a bunch of my moots talking abt it!!! i can’t do the whole month but here’s this :)


92 266

either you’re not part of the murata nation or you’re sexy!!!

52 215

local trash girl lost in the cold 😔

79 311

(1/2) today’s randomized friendship group is *pulls 4 names out of hat* them

also ignore the ooc dialogue and how this doesn’t make chronological sense ahahah u don’t see it

218 587

your favorite orphan from the middle of nowhere 👍🏽

82 337