

クルマ(22万km超のZ32最終ノーマルルーフ)とバイク(MT-09 TRACERとGSXR750)を愛する、ヲタクで音楽好き。M3はほぼ欠かさず行く程度の同人音楽好き。

フォロー数:1048 フォロワー数:748

Nowplaying マジカル☆きぃさまの言うとおりっ! - mira roma**

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"ドキドキはNONSTOP" from "ドキドキはNONSTOP/ONLYONE" by 青石実夕

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"Ready Go Round" from "Che cosa fai in vacanza" by パピ子りん(STUDIO PUPPY) & もちこまめ

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"Clara" from "CLARACALERA" by kaguraduki

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"Fairy Snow- kaguraduki Remix -" from "iDolization" by RUON feat .CHICACO

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"Wandering, Never Wandering (There Exists A Shade)" from "Stories That Last Thorough The Sleepless Nights" by Foreground Eclips

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"breathe slowly (syatten Remix)" from "Flowers Unfold Re:Bloom" by stereoberry Remixed by syatten

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"Peppermint Party" from "AURORA RECITER" by dover

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"fluffy dreams (RK Cycle of Life Mix)" from "Flowers Unfold Re:Bloom" by 源屋 Remixed by Ryunosuke Kudo

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