Colin Kersleyさんのプロフィール画像

Colin Kersleyさんのイラストまとめ

Alternative Aesthetics - Illustrator. Clients: IKEA, Sony Music, Bethesda Games, Chilly’s Bottles, ESPN, The Big Issue, Politico & more.

フォロー数:1567 フォロワー数:1736

Welcome to the monochromatic side!

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Every now and then the Dayman song from pops in my head and refuses to leave.

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Shall we try and create some kind of illustrator coma pod space?

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Whoa! And there I was thinking you starred in Tangled 🤔

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I’m pretty sure that if illustrators got paid per email, we’d never have to actually draw anything to earn a living

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Exactly! It doesn’t take much.

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Oh wow! Thanks for sharing this! It’s great to see everyone’s positive news getting a wider audience

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