Alt World Studiosさんのプロフィール画像

Alt World Studiosさんのイラストまとめ

Welcome to the official X account of Alt World Studio. Home of the Night Guardians and the Monsta Huntas!…

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Okay... Time to get to writing that script for Forrest & Scout - Monsters Hunters for Hire!

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Writing done, an important part of Dee's character has been established and the book will be stronger for it 😀

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Okay... Turned the page and starting the new opening pages for TeamD. While I love the cold opening of her riding Rexy the Rubber Dinosaur, I need to establish why Dee is so special and I have three pages to do that in 👍

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No other reason than created an amazing cover from the Awakenings Teddy Bear Tale graphic novel and it has to be shared... Simply outstanding 👍

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This is opening to TeamD, inspired by the cold openings of many a Marvel comic... Now, I am thinking of dialing back this page as the opener, and spending the first three pages explaining just how smart Dee is. Thoughts?

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The very last Calvin & Hobbes story - Let's go exploring at

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A super-smart girl, her giant rubber Dinosaur and one little big adventure!

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