

lvl. 16 | 🇲🇽 | eng/esp | krita my beloved

フォロー数:343 フォロワー数:180

// toh spoilers i think ¿¿¿

She's a cutie man, I loved this frame and I wanted to redraw it, I'll probably post more sc redraws because I LOVED this chapter.

10 20

I like yellow and fucsia folks

0 1

Actually, that's true, the eyes look diferent because Amity uses mascara, but if you put that away, they look pretty similar

0 55

Goodbye Amity's mint hear, I will draw you amity with purple hair, just you wait

0 3

Do I need to stop drawing Amity?
M a y b e

Prometo que el siguiente dibujo no va a ser de Amity (?)

PS: That's not Azura's book cover, I drew it that way because I was tired

1 5

I'm ready for you library chapter

Weon, nunca había dibujado fondos y ufff, me encantó dibujarlo

2 14

Do you notice that her name's Alisson?

0 1

Sleepy gf
(I didn't like the draw at all but the intention it's what counts ¿¿¿)

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