

I'll be your favorite Tyrannosaur Learning the arts: writing, digital, traditional ,and 3D at some point! streaming account @AlyxandasaurRex

フォロー数:1804 フォロワー数:316

Is October 41st and Ulala has got someone in her gaze. This lovely art done by dont forget to check out his amazing comic on Webtoon!!!

3 11

Ulala & Luna having a fun time. I lovely early gift for myself but wouldnt exsist with out the talented. or his amazing webcomic check out the comic on webtoon!

4 17

My Clown OC Ulala done to damn well by the amazing . Check out Bongo And Luna on Webtoon!

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I'm not sure what's goin on but good vibes and much luck to you babe.

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You may or may not need it but I know how ya feel good and creative vibes from me to you.

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