

Illustrator • Intersex 🟣🟡 • footy ⚽️ fan and player • cryptids, kaiju, and more! • She/Her • Represented by Astound @astound_us
• currently fighting cancer 💪

フォロー数:650 フォロワー数:683

skateboard style!
• 2013
• 2018
• 2021

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Greta and Pilar landing some tricks on the halfpipe! illustrations and sketches from Skateboarding Pals.

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Some spots showing the progression of time and initial sketches from Skateboarding Pals. Practice (and encouragement from friends) makes perfect! 🛹

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some interior illustrations and sketches from Skateboarding Pals.

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No goal! Futsal Teamwork final illustration and initial sketch.

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Futsal Teamwork is the next recently published Kids' Sports Stories chapter book I got the chance to illustrate! Here's the final front cover illustration along with some sketch options I sent in at first.

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