

ame 20↑ EN日本語 they/them
I draw my fav bois & dumb comics
🚨Do not use my work without permission
Commissions open!

フォロー数:273 フォロワー数:7837

[idolish7] since sougo loves horror movies and gore what if he got really excited at tamaki's bloody makeup

86 144

HAPPY BIRTHDAY thank you so much for being my friend 💙💜Im really grateful for all the times you helped me out and it's always fun to chat with you!! I hope you have the best day and treat yourself 🍰🍵🎈🎉🎉
(and since we talked about mafia mezzo...👔)

28 83

Title: “Tamaki-kun, I…”
Here’s my piece for paired with none other than ! she delivered the continuation of the confession in Visual Board Tour that we all needed 💙💜 please give it all the love it deserves!


81 156

doodled to let the feels out but ended up with more feels..... anyway, tamasou 💍

55 119

a little gakutsumu thank u gift for ☺️

101 170

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLEM!!!! thank you for being such a wonderful supportive friend and bbt soulmate <33 I hope u have a great rest of ur day and get all the pudding and bbt 💕💕🎉🎉🍰🍮🍵here is ban-san for u 💙

3 9

Happy belated MEZZO" 3rd year anniversary! 🎉
sougo (23) gives tamaki (20) an unconventional gift with a surprise

116 208

hoshi meguri ② mezzo & yuki 💎

71 147

some rough hoshi meguri pythagoras trio 🌟

154 218