

artist and cat boba enthusiast

フォロー数:270 フォロワー数:7813

I thought jumin would look cute with his hair up uvu

1759 1884

"Well, I don't get fan letters like you do"
"I only get checks"

472 450

were the two top students aiming for kerberos together?

255 400

[Day 06: Nightmare]
reality is their nightmare...

145 206

[Day 04: Crossover]
baseball voltron w/ the best battery (and ykno that cute mitt thing they do...)

434 616

[Day 02: sickness]
keith gets a cold and a sense of humor(?) this is really sappy

363 514

[Day 01: Date]
they go on an embarrassing carnival date

913 1166

favorite scenes from yet again Too Much, Gone Too Fast

206 335

[voltron] space dad.. 😳

238 431

[voltron] ywpd au is always the first au I think of (+ manager allura, coran as mr pierre)

383 440