

illustrator with too many interests + too little time
senior designer for @grist
✧ opinions are mine ✧

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I'm Amelia, an editorial + nature illustrator; started using Procreate probably 3 years ago and it has changed my life - I no longer draw in Photoshop at all and sold my Cintiq tablet 🌝

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Today is going to be real shitty and stressful so here's a frog with a butterfly on its back; photo referenced was taken by Kurit Afsheen whose photos are DELIGHTFUL so go look them up right now for more quality Frog Content!

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I haven’t been posting my or (or whatever it’s called now) art on here but these are some I am proud of so far. I’ve been using Zoe Keller’s Wild October prompts and I’m enjoying the challenge of forcing myself to draw every day

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I used to draw people so much more than I do now, I need to get back into it! These are all very old but I'm impressed with my past self 🥲 (other than past self liking GoT lol)

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A pileated woodpecker done for Wildlife Illustration class many months ago

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Hi I'm Amelia, a Wisconsin based artist who works in editorial art for a living but my real passion is nature + science art, especially birds. I'd love to do more freelance work so:

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New self portrait feat. a bunch of starlings

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Definitely part of the I work full-time doing editorial illustration, and in my free time I work mostly on nature related art and trying to brush up on my portrait skills! I also like creating art for farms in exchange for veg + meat 🐷

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