

Call me Lym
Mostly do Rain World fanart, but occasionally other stuff too.

Speak 🇪🇪🇬🇧

icon by @aqira2yoo

フォロー数:641 フォロワー数:915

I drew all the scugs a couple days ago
Very excited for Downpour

27 177

Hehe Miko
Ordered the charms as well :] Should arrive in a month or so

6 22

I went from a Scaramouche hater to a Scaramouche tolerator. His promo material has been really good tbh, I'll do some pulls on his banner though I won't go all out
Anyway I drew him

7 30

Happy birthday Nilou
Theres some messups but I’m decently happy with it considering I havent properly finished a traditional piece in ages

2 11

Aand Tighnari and Cyno charms! I'll see how many I can do for genshin, hoping to order them around the 10th

6 28

First full drawing on the phone since like…2019? I had a lot of spare time today soooo
Been wanting to draw Columbina for a while, happy to have had the opportunity

73 255

Owl House charms!! :D i wanted to do Eda and King too but I'm running low on time so I had to pass for now

11 76

