

Digital Artist

フォロー数:363 フォロワー数:120

48-- Continuing the 9 scabbards series, denjiro wip

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👀 my style doenst fit gphone at all but hey, that would be interesting

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42-- Almost done, gonna show only the face cuz gotta have at least a little surprise right?

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40-- The daily faces challenge helped me out tremendously but i still feel like i know nothing here, like, how does one make a believable face?
Anyway, todays post is a continuation of yesterday's

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39-- Back home and hyped to be drawing again, heres a wip

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38--- I gotta find a consistent way of painting, cuz i just give up on so many paintings.
Anyways, a painting i gave up on today

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36-- self portrait embelished to hell and back (no im not adding eyes.)

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34--new wip, this one is promising

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