

[Insert clever bio here]

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What would you name this blessing?

Male btw!

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Meet the newest member to the family🐶

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Mom: You know the starks are my favourite! Are they all going to die??

Me: I can’t tell you that

Mom: This should be called The Starks all Die not Games and Thrones!

Me: Game of Thrones


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Mom: I don’t like that I like him

Me: Who, Tyrion?


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is Shailene Woodley!! What an amazing person. She’s not only a great actress but what she does on her own time is incredibly important✨She’s not afraid to speak on behalf of what she believes in and I think that’s inspiring

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Stolen from someone on my timeline............🤷🏼‍♂️ i never do these things so...like away!

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