


フォロー数:689 フォロワー数:110

Forgot to post yesterday's of Bellsprout, Weepinbell, and Victreebel

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Here's Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam for I had never heard of the Uri Geller controversy involving Kadabra until today. Look it up!

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This is my second favorite illustration; Growlithe and Arcanine!

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Mankey and Primeape! This is my favorite inktober illustration this year.

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is Psyduck and Golduck. According to Bulbapedia, Golduck is the same height as Charizard ! All this trivia is messing with my head.

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For we have Meowth and Persian. When Pokemon first came out, my local Target sold Meowth figurines that spoke in Japanese. Guess toymakers were trying to capitalize on its popularity and ship merch out as fast as possible. I still have one.

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Zubat and Golbat. Do you think those long things on Zubat are feet or a tail?

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According to Bulbapedia, Venonat weighs 66.1 lbs at 3' 3" but Venomoth is 27.6 lbs at 4' 11" ?!?

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I just learned that Parasect is a parasitic zombie version of Paras D:/

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Today's cuties are Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume!

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