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Veil by kotteri just gives me so many ichiori vibes...

3 19

Sharing the same zodiac sign with them is a message from god

0 4

I find really funny how I never tend to like bubbly characters but fell in love with orihime-
like usually my type is this lol m

0 2

Drew myself a present, happy birthday to me I guess!

23 115

but its 70% orihime.
After the tybw I want to draw more variety 🙏🙏

9 36

Without talking about this mf right here

0 1

Those two having the same va is my downfall

1 7

Thank you for the idea!
Bleach x genshin impact design
I'm still deciding some stuff bu this is the general idea (sryy I was to lazy to color")

40 167

Happy bleach day!!

452 1825