

Clumsily curious, viciously vulnerable | #AI Evangelist & Artist | #educator | #CIND advocate | #spaceshost | frmly @StabilityAi | #Remix Ambassador

フォロー数:1793 フォロワー数:14921

Thanks for the opportunity!

"Forgive me the hold I have"

0 2

Would it be CRAZY to do a drop on Black Friday? I makes sense to me.


An Ode to DiscoDiffusion - Soon on OS

2 40

with 1st and with 3rd
Congrats guys! Proud to be along side you ;)

2 16


I missed my little creatures, so they are coming back to say hi.

3 52

It’s ok I’ve just been making arcane legend versions of myself so…ur not alone.

0 5

More Arcane Legend Self Portraits-
I feel like this one really captures my general emotional experience on a day to day basis in this space🤣 🤣

1 26

music video trials cont'-
thought this wouldn't work cause the tempo on the keyframe changes was too fast, but...i dunno, it kinda works. Twitter messes it up a bit.

Sound on

3 30

Happy Saturday!

playing with rainbows.

5 47

OH I didnt realize you grabbed this little guy, I don't check objkt enuf.

Thank you! They were one of my favorites :)

4 24

Honestly, I'm shocked

2 52